+44 (0) 1582 585558
447435 877595
+44 (0) 1582 585558
447435 877595
Football Juventus FC vs Milan 28 MAY - 3 Days TURIN 4* BB +
S spletne strani 562 €
Torino, Italija

Football Juventus FC vs Milan 28 MAY - 3 Days TURIN 4* BB +

Hotel + 1 Match -- Flight to be added
Ustvarjeno: četrtek, 8. december 2022
Ref ID: 4001007
Skupna cena S spletne strani 1.123 €
Ustvarjeno: četrtek, 8. december 2022


O cilju

Torino, ki je priljubljeno znan kot mesto avtomobilov, se nahaja v regiji Piemont v severozahodni Italiji. Reka Po in Alpe obkrožajo to čudovito mesto, ki obiskovalcem ponuja praznik baročne arhitekture, okrašenih art nouveau kavarn in muzejskih zbirk, ki pokrivajo vse od egiptologije do sodobne umetnosti. Srce mesta od rimskih časov temelji na Piazza Castello, Trgu Grad, obdanem z loki, vsak zgrajen v različnih obdobjih. V bližini ležijo kraljeve palače Savojske hiše, Palazzo Madama in Palazzo Reale, v skromnem sijaju. Če ima Firence svoj Duomo, ima Torino svojo Mole Antonelliano. Okronana z mogočno kupolo in stožčasto spiralo, je visoka stavba simbol mesta. Pojdite z steklenim dvigalom na razgledno ploščad, da dobite najboljši pogled na mesto in pred sončnim zahodom čudovit pogled na sosednje Alpe. Torino se je izkazal za več kot industrijsko mesto. Da bi dobili občutek mestnega preporoda mesta, se sprehodite po njegovih čudovitih portikih za nekaj finega nakupovanja in se ustavite, da uživate v Vermouthu, preden vas navduši njegova okusna kuhinja.
Več informacij

Vključene storitve

27 maj
2 Noči
Exclusive Deal
Best Western Plus Executive Hotel and Suites 8,7 Zelo dobro
Torino - Na razdalji 1,9 km od središčaNOČITEV Z ZAJTRKOM Via Nizza 28, 28, Torino 10125 1 queen bed
The Best Western Plus Executive Hotel and Suites is a high-tech modern building with 73 rooms and suites all with the comforts of living areas and bedrooms, providing wide space for even the most distinguished traveler. The Best Western Plus Executive Hotel and Suites is strategically located in the center of Turin, close to the Central Railway Station Porta Nuova and Via Roma, the main street, few steps from the Underground Station Marconi, which quickly connects the hotel to all the attractions of the city of Torino, also Lingotto Congress Centre and the Olympic Stadium are reachable in few minutes. Whether you travel for business or leisure you need space to spread out, time to gather thoughts and comfort to work at your peak or simply relax. You will be completely immersed in a welcoming atmosphere and your stay will be luxurious but informal, with all modern conveniences at hand. A tasty and satisfying day starts in the morning with our breakfast à la carte service, bar corner in all rooms, Internet reliable cable and free Wi-Fi, free fitness facilities and open air solarium with a small hydro-massage pool, rental bike, free espresso and tea buffet 24-hours, business office, meeting rooms with up to 45 seats and a three-floor parking lot. This property has joined the Stay for the Planet project. It undertakes to manage the hotel activities in a sustainable manner by monitoring consumptions, reducing the presence of disposable plastic, taking energy efficiency actions for a positive impact on the environment.
28 maj
Juventus FC vs AC Milan
Juventus FC vs AC Milan
Long Side - E-Ticket
Brez povračila
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Please Note: if no booking has been made yet, then prices and availabilities might vary at the time of the booking.

Skupna cena S spletne strani 1.123 €
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