Norwegian Star was designed and built so you can enjoy Freestyle cruising to the fullest. It has 17 excellent restaurant options with exquisite menus of Asian, French, North American cuisine, etc. In addition, it has 10 bars and lounges and a large selection of cabins and suites to suit all tastes. Come on board and discover the freedom and flexibility of Freestyle Cruising and enjoy a cruise at your leisure!
勒阿弗尔是塞纳河口的港口城市,位于法国上诺曼底地区的英吉利海峡。勒阿弗尔是“港口”的法语。从历史上看,勒阿弗尔一直是巴黎的港口,货物在远洋船只和通过塞纳河前往巴黎的驳船之间转移。勒阿弗尔在诺曼底战役期间遭到严重轰炸。该镇的重建由August Perret使用钢筋混凝土进行。该项目使该城市被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。勒阿弗尔最重要的景点有:圣约瑟夫教堂,巴黎圣母院大教堂,Armateur Maison de l'Armateur和市政厅。法国最大的广场。可以爬上塔楼观看城市的布局。